Po 2 letih zvestega in resnega igranja se je basistka Galena odločila zapustiti bend. Glavni razlog je pomanjkanje časa in šolske obveznosti.
Še v naprej ji želimo najboljše in dosti uspeha na maturi!
(Še vedno smo, kot smo bili tudi doslej, v dobrih odnosih in ni nobenih zamer ali kaj podobnega med nami!)
After 2 years of loyal and serious shredding our basist Galena decided to leave the band. The main reasons being lack of time and school obligations.
We wish her all the best for the future and wish her luck on her final exams!
(We are still, as we were before, on good terms and there is no bad blood between us!)
Še v naprej ji želimo najboljše in dosti uspeha na maturi!
(Še vedno smo, kot smo bili tudi doslej, v dobrih odnosih in ni nobenih zamer ali kaj podobnega med nami!)
After 2 years of loyal and serious shredding our basist Galena decided to leave the band. The main reasons being lack of time and school obligations.
We wish her all the best for the future and wish her luck on her final exams!
(We are still, as we were before, on good terms and there is no bad blood between us!)
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